High Holiday Message from Rabbi Lauren
Shelter in the Storm
The other day, I was home with Rafi when it started to rain. I took him out onto the front steps to watch the rain coming down, first in a light mist and then in heavier sheets, water coursing down the street in front of us. We were covered by the roof over our heads, so we could watch the storm around us grow in intensity without feeling threatened. I taught him the word “thunder,” and every time he’d hear a crash, he’d point to the sky and say “gunder!!” Safe under our shelter, we waited out the storm, and even marveled at its beauty and power.
I imagine that for many of us, this past year has felt like one storm after another. We may have had the experience of both wanting to run toward the storm’s intensity while also wanting to find shelter from the deluge.
There’s a psalm that we say daily throughout the high holiday season from Rosh Hodesh Elul through Sukkot, Psalm 27, and within it are a variety of types of shelters where we might go to seek comfort and protection in times of chaos: בית-יי (the house of G!d), היכל (the sacred palace or temple), סכה (the temporary outdoor shelter of a sukkah), אהל (a tent), צור (high up on a rock), and דרך (along the path that we’re traveling). I’m struck by the multitude and diversity of these shelters - some offer more protection than others. When you’re out on a camping trip, for instance, you may only have a tent or the cleft of a rock to protect you when conditions get stormy. This psalm invites each of us to imagine the places in our own lives that have offered us shelter from storms, literal and metaphorical, and also invites us to build those shelters within and around ourselves that will help us stay grounded and connected when it all becomes too much. This theme of shelter has been resonant for Rabbi Francine and Dr. Amy as well, who have both spoken from our bima about the resources in Jewish tradition that can be shelters for us in tumultuous times.
As we approach the high holidays this year, we’re inviting you to come seek shelter with us at Or Hadash. Here, resting in the loving embrace of community, song, prayer and the sharing of Torah, we can find our footing and our connection to one another and what matters most in our lives.
We are so blessed to be welcoming Rabbi Francine Roston back to our community to be leading high holiday services this year in partnership with Dr. Amy and our davening team. I will be sharing video messages by email and social media with Torah and reflections before many of the major holidays, so please look out for the first one coming your way in early September for Rosh Hodesh Elul, hopefully along with some new baby pictures!
Until then, l’shana tovah,
Rabbi Lauren
High Holiday Tickets
Services will be held at Or Hadash and streamed over YouTube. Members in good standing may attend in person by providing a picture ID. As a reminder, family memberships include any children under 25. For in person, non-member tickets ($180/attendee) or to inquire about membership, contact the Or Hadash office at 404-250-3338 or fill out the ticket request form.
Volunteer Opportunities
High Holidays cannot happen without all of our synagogue’s amazing volunteers. There are many opportunities to assist during the High Holidays this year including:
Ushers/Welcome Table volunteers
Youth programming helpers
Please volunteer for a shift during one of the days—email volunteer@or-hadash.org
Youth & Teen Programming and Childcare
We provide stimulating and creative youth programming for grades K-7. Your children can look forward to an interactive animal experience, a puppet show, escape rooms, mock trials, and lots more! A combination of babysitting and programming will be available for ages 6 months-4 years (including time with the animals and puppets)! For details and to register your children, click here. There is a small charge for youth programming.
Back by popular demand, we will have a designated teen lounge for 8th-12th graders with a mix of teen-centered programming and time and space to hang out. Programming will include discussions on bioethics, law, current events, and politics; animal encounters; table top role playing games; lego builds; mock trials; and more! No registration or cost.
Tikkun Olam
Or Hadash will once again be collecting food for the hungry, leading up to and during the High Holidays. Please drop off your non-perishable items at Or Hadash through Yom Kippur. We will also be joining with the international Jewish community doing a reverse Tashlich waterfront cleanup on 9/29. See details below.
Kol Nidre Pledge
Make your Kol Nidre contribution now and help ensure the financial strength of our community. To make a pledge, please email kol-nidre@or-hadash.org or click here.
Yizkor Book/B’Sefer Hayim
Each year, during the High Holidays, Or Hadash publishes a very special Yizkor/B'Sefer Hayim Book. In addition to contributing remembrances and blessings, this year we ask congregants to give recognition to those who have lost their lives protecting Israel, by contributing to a special section for those who have fallen. A portion of these contributions will be donated to the Lone Soldier Center (lonesoldiercenter.com). This is close to our hearts as two of our Or Hadash families have had lone soldiers in the IDF since 10/7. Click here for more details and to contribute.
Join Us!
We invite you to experience a variety of offerings during the High Holiday season. Please review the calendar of events and be a part of our music-focused sessions, Tashlich walk and picnic, youth and teen programs, family oriented Kol Nidre service, Rosh HaShanah Dinner and Yom Kippur Break Fast! Also join us for great programming in the Sukkah hosted by our various Or Hadash clubs. We look forward to being “in community” with all of you.
High Holiday Activities and Services:
Rosh HaShanah
Yom Kippur
Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Join us after Kiddush lunch to warm up our souls and prepare for the High Holidays by singing through beloved songs and prayers of the season, old and new melodies alike. You don’t have to be a brilliant singer, just willing to open your mouth and your heart!
Location: Or Hadash Courtyard
Join us, the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah begins, for an evening of music with Dr. Amy, Rabbi Francine and our davening team (Jeff Nemhauser and Drew Cohen) to prepare our hearts and souls for the melodies of Selichot and the High Holy days, including Havdalah.
Location: Or Hadash Courtyard
Reverse Tashlich is the international Jewish community waterfront cleanup. On September 29, 2024 the Jewish community will come together around the world to clean their local environment for the 7th Annual Reverse Tashlich.
Tashlich is a Rosh Hashanah ritual in which Jews begin the new year by symbolically casting off last year's sins by tossing pebbles or bread crumbs into a body of water. In 2016, the college division of Repair the Sea (Scubi Jew®) at Eckerd College conceived the idea of hosting a Reverse Tashlich: a beach cleanup to remove human "sins" from the water.
Every year since, Reverse Tashlich has expanded as new communities have joined and removed thousands of pounds of debris from waterfront locations around the world as part of their High Holiday observance. Last year 0ver 3000 participants from 245 communities in 12 countries joined the initiative. Or Hadash will participate this year by cleaning up at Morgan Falls.
Click here for details on where to meet and what to bring. Great for all ages and stages!
Services will be held at Or Hadash and streamed over YouTube. Members in good standing will be able to attend by providing a picture ID.
For non-member tickets, contact the Or Hadash office at 404-250-3338 or complete the ticket request form here.
Following services Wednesday night, we will be joining together for a delicious catered Holiday dinner. RSVP is required. Cost is $36/person. Please provide any food allergies when you register.
Join Dr. Amy, Rabbi Francine Roston, the Davening Team and the Or Hadash community for Rosh HaShanah services. Services will be held at Or Hadash and streamed over YouTube. Members in good standing will be able to attend by providing a picture ID.
For non-member tickets, contact Or Hadash at 404-250-3338 or fill out the ticket request form here.
Youth programming will be held from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Join Dr. Amy, Rabbi Francine Roston, the Davening Team and the Or Hadash community for Rosh HaShanah services. Services will be held at Or Hadash and streamed over YouTube. Members in good standing will be able to attend by providing a picture ID.
Youth programming will be held from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Join your Or Hadash family for a visitation to Arlington Cemetery.
Location: Arlington Cemetery
Join us for Tashlich followed by a BYO picnic lunch at the pavilion at Riverside park in Roswell. It is a 2 minute walk on paved trails from the parking lot to the river. For those that would like to stay, we will walk along the riverside path after lunch.
Great for families of all ages.Location:
Riverside Park:
Click here for details and the link to register.
Bringing the beauty and spirituality of the traditional service, this abbreviated service is designed for our members with earlier bedtimes or who prefer a shorter service.
Location: Or Hadash sanctuary/Zoom
Join our Or Hadash community for a beautiful, meaningful start to Yom Kippur.
October 12, Saturday morning, 9 AM; Yom Kippur Services
Join the Or Hadash community for Yom Kippur services. Yizkor at approximately 11:30 am.
Youth programming 10 am-1 pm.
Fill out the ticket request form.
Location: Or Hadash and Zoom/YouTube
Stay at OH all day and participate in educational and spiritual programming. Details to follow.
Location: Or Hadash
Don’t miss our Or Hadash Youth performance of Jonah—a highlight of our Yom Kippur day.
Location: Or Hadash sanctuary
Join us for the beautiful final services for Yom Kippur as the “gates close.” Havdalah is at 7:45 PM.
Stay for our community Break Fast immediately following Havdalah.
Join our congregation for a catered Break Fast in the courtyard immediately following services. RSVP is required. $18/person, discounts for families. Please register and provide any food allergies.
Location: Or Hadash Courtyard
Join us for services in the sukkah.
Enjoy special single malt scotch and sizzling steaks with OH Men’s Club. Space is limited to 40 participants so please RSVP.
Cost: $40 for Men’s Club Members/$50 non-members.
Join us for Shabbat services followed by a Bring your own dinner in the sukkah.
Join us for our 4th annual Movie in the Sukkah. We will be screening Levys in Monticello.
Come at 7 PM for a light nosh and Havdalah. The movie starts at 8:15 PM.
Free to attend. RSVP requested here.
Calling all families with kids, ages pre-school through elementary school. Come spend the morning in the sukkah and join in fun, creative crafts.
Please RSVP.
Join the women of Or Nashim for conversation, games, nosh and libations in the sukkah. Bring your favorite games or pick from the ones others bring. A great opportunity to meet new people and connect with long-time friends.
Free for Or Nashim members/$5 non-members
Come dance with the book our rabbis say has no beginning and no end. Nosh provided before the service.
Great for all ages and stages!
Join us for Simchat Torah/ Yizkor/Shemini Atzeret Services (followed by Kiddush)
Youth Programming & Childcare
Please register your K-7th grade kids to participate in stimulating and creative activities during High Holidays. Childcare available for under 4 yrs.
Yizkor Book -B’Sefer Hayim
We combine our traditional Yizkor Book with a Book of Life .Remember and honor loved ones who have passed and share messages of gratitude. Contribute to a special section honoring the fallen soldiers protecting Israel. Make your submissions for inclusion in our Or Hadash book.
Yom Tov Dinner: Erev Rosh HaShanah
Following services Wednesday night, join together for a lovely catered Holiday dinner. RSVP is required. $36/person, discounts for families.
Kol Nidre Appeal
Please make your Kol Nidre contribution now and help ensure the financial strength of our community. To make a pledge, please email kol-nidre@or-hadash.org.
Break Fast after Neilah
Join us in the Courtyard for a catered , community Or Hadash Break Fast, immediately after Yom Kippur Neilah services. RSVP required. $18/person, discounts for families.